Advisories The NCA office is moving

The NCA office is moving.  As of July 22, 2024, our address will be:

National Committee on Accreditation
c/o Federation of Law Societies of Canada
Constitution Square
1700 – 340 Albert Street
Ottawa, ON  K1R 7Y6

If you are arranging for documents to be sent to the National Committee on Accreditation, please ensure that they are sent to our new address.  You may use the new address as of the date of this Advisory.  If you have sent your documents to the current address via Canada Post your documents will be redirected to the new address.  However, for documents sent via courier, please note that most couriers will not deliver to another address.

Lastly, please be aware that the NCA accepts documents via secure document share services.  The services we accept are listed at: