NCA Online Exam Rules

The NCA, through the resources of Paradigm Testing and MonitorEDU, ensures the security and integrity of the NCA exams. Both firms follow industry best practices in compliance with standards set by international accrediting bodies.

NCA exams are long response form, and open- book. Only hard copy study materials will be permitted; you will NOT have access to electronic copies of your notes or textbooks.

The NCA now allows 3 hours in total, for completion of each exam.

Any form of scanned document, attachment, or photograph will NOT be allowed. Only responses to exam questions entered using a keyboard will be considered as an answer.

The technical requirements you must follow for an NCA online exam are available here.  You may also refer to the published guides, Online Exam Tip Sheet, How To Write a Torts Exam and How to Answer Fact-based Law Exam Questions.


For questions about the online exam technical requirements, please contact the MonitorEDU live chat line.

Questions about exam schedules and cancellations should be addressed to  




Deadline for cancellation

If you want to cancel, you must do so by midnight (ET) the day before the exam.  If you do not cancel the exam in the NCA portal before midnight the day before you are scheduled to write the exam and do not show up on the scheduled exam day, you will lose the entire exam fee.

If you use a foreign credit card, you are responsible for paying any transaction fees and any fluctuations in exchange rates. Once the NCA has processed a refund, we cannot reverse it or refund the administrative fee that you paid.

Online cancellation process

  • Sign into your account in the NCA portal.
  • Select “Refund” under the heading “Exam history” of the “My course info” tab.
  • Click the “Refund” button beside the exam(s) you wish to cancel. (You must make a
    separate refund request for each exam you wish to cancel.)

General Notes

Your cancellation or failure to write a scheduled exam will not be recorded as an attempt. However, you will lose your exam fee for that exam. You will also be required to re-register and pay the full exam fee again.

If you miss an exam for any reason, you will need to reschedule that exam to another exam session. The NCA does not set make-up exams. The exams are scheduled twelve times a year. No special exam sessions will be set.

The NCA may cancel any exam if it deems you are not eligible to write, or if you did not follow its policies and procedures.

If you have questions, please email us.


You may write NCA exams three times (a first attempt and two re-writes). If you do not succeed, you may ask for a fourth attempt as explained in section 17.2 (Examination Attempts) of the NCA Policies. You need to pay the exam fee for each re-write. Since the NCA may update the exam content and study materials from time to time, make sure that you consult the exam outlines each time you prepare for a re-write. You may not register to re-write an exam until you receive your most recent results. 

Exam review

If you fail an exam, the NCA will provide you with a chance to review your exam, along with a memo from the examiner that provides reasons for the mark given. 

Refund Policies

Exam fees

Exam fees may be refunded upon request. The refund we issue will be applied to the same credit card you used to register. If you do not cancel the exam in the NCA portal before midnight (ET) the day before you are scheduled to write the exam and do not show up on the scheduled exam day, you will lose the entire exam fee.

Exam appeal fee

Exam appeal fees are non-refundable. The fee applies to each exam appeal you file.