Advisories September 2020 Exam Results
We know how important it is to candidates to receive exam results and we are working hard to make sure you receive them as soon as possible. The results for the September examinations will be released starting December 16, 2020 and continuing as each subject is marked. To determine which results are available, please consult the NCA web site. To access your exam results, login to your NCA portal and select the Exam History tab.
While the NCA aims to release results 10-12 weeks after the last exam in a session, the pandemic has created significant challenges in meeting our usual service standards. As a result, we will not achieve this goal for some September exams. We are making every effort to ensure that all September exam results are released as soon as possible. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience caused by this delay.
All September 2020 exam results have now been posted in the NCA Portal:
- Canadian Constitutional Law (Released January 5)
- Canadian Administrative Law (Released December 21)
- Civil Procedure (Releaseed December 21)
- Contracts (Released December 21)
- Foundations of Canadian Law (Released December 21)
- Business Organizations (Released December 16)
- Canadian Criminal Law (Released December 16)
- Evidence (Released December 16)
- Family Law (Released December 16)
- Canadian Professional Responsibility (Released December 16)
- Property Law (Released December 16)
- Remedies (Released December 16)
- Torts (Released December 16)