Advisories NCA October Online Exams 

Please be advised the next NCA exam session has been extended, and will now be scheduled from October 14 through October 31, including Saturdays. The extra days added will help keep any wait times for accessing online exams to a minimum. The revised schedule is here. (Registration closed September 18.)

Please note all exams will be scheduled by the NCA and MonitorEDU. You will receive an email with your exam date and time. If you would like to request a change in the start time of your exam, please submit the request to MonitorEDU by emailing

All exams in the October session will be online, and remotely proctored.  All exams scheduled in the October session will allow up to four (4) hours writing time.

Before the exam, we encourage you to review the ONLINE EXAM RULES, the TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS, including the testing of your home computer and internet system, and our Online Exam Tip Sheet. You should also be familiar with the NCA CANDIDATE AGREEMENT. A VIDEO is also available to explain how the online proctoring system works.