Advisories August 2020 Exam Results
We know how important it is to candidates to receive timely exam results and we are working hard to make sure you receive them as soon as possible. As always, we appreciate the importance of this process to your career plans. Thank you for bearing with us as we continue to adapt our systems to these extraordinary times.
Rather than following the traditional NCA practice of releasing exam results only when all results of all exams from the same session are available, the NCA is planning to release results for individual subjects from the August, September and October 2020 exam sessions as soon as they are available. We apologize for those of you who have been inconvenienced by a delay in posting results and thank you for your patience.
August Exam Results
All August exam results have now been posted in the NCA Portal:
- Foundations of Canadian Law (Released December 9 & 10)
- Canadian Administrative Law (Released December 9 & 11)
- Canadian Professional Responsibility (Released December 7)
- Canadian Constitutional Law (Released November 27)
- Torts (Released November 26)
- Taxation (Released November 25)
- Canadian Criminal Law (Released November 25)
- Business Organizations (Released November 24)
- Contracts (Released November 23)
- Property (Released November 23)
- Civil Procedure (Released November 19)
- Commercial (Released November 19)
- Evidence (Released November 19)
- Family (Released November 19)
- Remedies (Released November 19)